Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma Therapy

Definitions, Integration, Approach, Research, and More

Do you want access to vital details about panchakarma therapy? Find out all you need to know about the therapy, its types, potential infusion with medical cannabis, and other important information.

Panchakarma is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy that aims to deliver holistic healthcare to solve diverse problems. The therapy involves multiple special care processes that target respiratory, circulatory, and digestive wellbeing.

Common benefits of the treatment are detoxification, reduction of harmful bile and toxin buildup in the body, management of skin and digestive inflammation, and more.

Ancient forms of panchakarma have been preserved in literature for centuries. However, advances in modern medicine saw the decline of preference among potential patients in such proven classical therapies. But the recent interest in medical cannabis and its effects on health has seen treatments like panchakarma gain prominence once more.

That’s why this article seeks to outline the potential of medical cannabis as an integrative aid to panchakarma therapy. We will see the definition of panchakarma, its types, integration with medical cannabis, and other essential information to discover if this treatment is effective to manage several health issues and guarantee lasting results. .

What is Panchakarma Therapy?

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic treatment program that aims to soothe the body and mind through cleansing and detoxification of organs and systems. The treatment aims to achieve balance among the tri-dosha (three doshas) – Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. It could require pre-purification and cleansing to achieve full benefits.

Panchakarma therapy can be an effective method to treat symptoms of depression, diabetes, help curb weight gain, and so much more.

Types of Panchakarma Therapy

  1. Vamana (Emesis) – The Panchakarma treatment comes in handy for treating colds, cough, asthma, bronchitis, and many other health problems. It provides relief through Vamana, a form of therapy that involves vomiting to mucus-causing Kapha from the body.

Another form of Vamana also helps to ease mucus flow from the stomach and lungs, helping people gain much-needed relief.

  1. Rakta Moksha – This is a traditional panchakarma treatment that focuses on detoxification and purification of the circulatory system. It works by helping to attack and dismantle toxins present in a person’s intestinal tract and blood. Some symptoms of excess toxin buildup include itching, leukoderma, rashes, herpes, and so on.

Rakta Moksha is a specialist treatment that neutralizes toxic substances in the blood for healthier living. Other forms of this treatment include administration of herbs, water therapy, and so on.

  1. Basti (Enema) – In panchakarma and other forms of ayurvedic treatment, Vata is a causal agent that causes diseases. Vata is mostly at the large intestine or bone tissue and could cause the unhealthy retention of fecal matter, bile, and other excrement. Basti as a form of panchakarma works to control the activity of Vata towards helping people achieve better digestive health.
  2. Virechan (Purge) – The Panchakarma therapy works to ease the presence of excess bile accumulated in a digestive system. Bile could pile up in the small intestine, liver, and gallbladder to cause several unwanted health issues.

Some of the problems caused by bile buildup are jaundice, fever attacks, inflammation, rashes, and vomiting. Virechan as a panchakarma treatment works as a therapeutic laxative, providing instant relief from bile accumulation.

  1. Nasya (Nasal) – Nasya works through the administration of medication, as several aspects of Ayurveda see the nose as a doorway to the human brain and consciousness.

Nasya relies on the nose’s usefulness as a passage point for different fluids from the sinuses, nasal region, throat, and head areas. It is an effective method to help solve tough headaches, congested sinuses, and improve breathing. Nasya could involve the gentle massage of a person’s nasal region, administration of medication through the nose, or both.

Medical Cannabis and Panchakarma Therapy Towards Holistic Healing

Five (5) panchakarma treatment forms are available, and these treatments have different positive effects on the human body. Panchakarma therapy is one of the most reliable options to treat muscle and skeletal disorders like arthritis and spondylosis.

It is also an effective remedy for the treatment of some neurological disorders. Infusing medical cannabis into panchakarma therapy could be the most effective solution towards achieving holistic healing. The analgesic properties of medical cannabis can be effective to boost the results of panchakarma therapy.

Panchakarma therapy is one of the oldest forms of treatment for diverse issues mentioned above. Big pharma’s ascent during modern times made several health institutions and researchers shun the essence of ancient treatments infused with medical marijuana.

However, recent advances in cannabis research now shows the plant has several health benefits and can contribute to the medical management of several problems.

Medical Cannabis Integration in Panchakarma Therapy

Integrating medical cannabis with panchakarma therapy can prove beneficial to several people dealing with diverse health issues. However, therapists must ensure cannabis-assisted panchakarma can deliver the solutions to health problems some people may face.

The treatment should not be accessible to everyone, and eligible patients must disclose vital information before getting panchakarma-cannabis therapy approved for treatment. Some vital factors therapists must consider include the suitability of such treatment to patients, a patient’s medical history, and current medication.

Role of Cannabinoids in Panchakarma Therapy

The role of cannabinoids as an aid in therapy is well-documented in research. Some studies like Walkaden (2019) have successfully outlined how cannabis products with the right cannabinoid composition can help treat pains, arthritis, and many other health issues.

Cannabinoids and other active agents in such products have a strong analgesic effect that can help therapists manage pains and other symptoms patients may face. Including cannabinoids in panchakarma therapy could be effective to solve several issues that require panchakarma care for solutions.

Research/Clinical Trials of Cannabinoids and Panchakarma Therapy

Explicit clinical research about the effectiveness of cannabinoids and panchakarma therapy is currently unavailable. Nonetheless, some recent studies have done extensive research into topics that outline the efficacy of cannabis-assisted medication to solve health issues where panchakarma therapy could be a recommended solution.

Evidence-Based Studies on Medical Cannabis and Panchakarma Therapy

A recent study by Ragnhildstveitet al., (2023) showcased the effectiveness of cannabis-based products as a competent solution for stress relief. The extensive study showed how cannabis can be an essential form of assisted therapy across healthcare fields to solve diverse problems.

Another recent study conducted by Walkaden (2019) also highlighted the effectiveness of medical cannabis as a form of therapy. An aged patient received cannabis oils for a specified period in this study and showed marked signs of health improvement.

Who Should Use Medical Cannabis in Panchakarma Therapy?

Recent research has shown how effective medical cannabis can be to treat different health problems. Infusing medical cannabis into some types of panchakarma therapy could be of great benefit to:

  • Persons needing pain relief – research has shown proof that medical cannabis can be an effective source of care to patients suffering from diverse pain issues. Its relaxing properties present in active agents like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) can be efficient towards managing symptoms of pains caused by arthritis, cancers, and many other health problems.
  • Old people – aged people could get much-needed relief while engaging detoxification treatments panchakarma has to offer.

Panchakarma-cannabis therapy can be an effective solution to help detoxify several areas of the body with significant effects. It is effective to help deliver whole health to patients seeking relief through combined therapy. These treatments are gaining popularity and could be in wide use soon; however, panchakarma-cannabis therapy shouldn’t be accessible to all patients.

Who Shouldn’t Use Medical Cannabis in Panchakarma Therapy?

Recent research has shown how effective medical cannabis can be to treat different health problems. Infusing medical cannabis into some types of panchakarma therapy could be of great benefit to:

  • Persons needing pain relief – research has shown proof that medical cannabis can be an effective source of care to patients suffering from diverse pain issues. Its relaxing properties present in active agents like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) can be efficient towards managing symptoms of pains caused by arthritis, cancers, and many other health problems.
  • Old people – aged people could get much-needed relief while engaging detoxification treatments panchakarma has to offer.

Panchakarma-cannabis therapy can be an effective solution to help detoxify several areas of the body with significant effects. It is effective to help deliver whole health to patients seeking relief through combined therapy. These treatments are gaining popularity and could be in wide use soon; however, panchakarma-cannabis therapy shouldn’t be accessible to all patients.

Connect to Cannabryl for Expert Panchakarma Therapy

Cannabryl has been at the forefront of creating effective, proven healthcare solutions to resolve diverse problems since its founding. The brand continues to merge its expertise with effective ancient medical cannabis treatments and therapies to deliver holistic wellbeing to patients. Different treatments available from the company ensure users get well-rounded healthcare solutions for total wellbeing.

Consultations for Effective Panchakarma Therapy with Medical Cannabis

You can consult Cannabryl today for the best and most effective panchakarma therapy solutions with medical cannabis. The brand also delivers proven support through sound healing, advanced physiotherapy, Marma therapy, and so much more.


Petzke, F.,Tölle, T., Fitzcharles, M-A.,Häuser, W.,(2021) Cannabis-Based Medicines and Medical Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathic Pain, CNS Drugs; 36(1):31-44. doi: 10.1007/s40263-021-00879-w.

Ragnhildstveit, A., Kaiyo, M., Snyder, M. B., Jackson, L. K., Lopez, A., Mayo, C., Miranda, A. C., August, R. J., Seli, P., Robison, R., and Averill,L. A., (2023) Cannabis-Assisted Psychotherapy for Complex Dissociative Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report. Front. Psychiatry. 14:1051542. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1051542

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Washington State University (2019) "Cannabis Reduces Headache and Migraine Pain by Nearly Half." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily,

Odieka, A. E., Obuzor, G. U., Oyedeji, O. O., Gondwe, M., Hosu, Y. S., and Oyedeji, A. O. (2022) The Medicinal Natural Products of Cannabis sativa Linn.: A Review, Molecules. 2022 Mar; 27(5): 1689. Published online 2022 Mar 4. doi: 10.3390/molecules27051689

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