Integrative psychotherapy is not a novel healthcare procedure as qualified personnel continue to apply it towards medical management of several issues patients face. However, the integration of medical cannabis into integrative psychotherapy is relatively new.
Medical cannabis has been in use for several centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine; however, legislation banning marijuana for decades has contributed to its slow integration into modern healthcare.
Psychotherapy mainly deals with mental health issues, aiming to eliminate distress caused by diverse triggers. Integrative psychotherapy adopts a flexible approach to dealing with mental health issues towards ensuring the overall wellbeing of patients.
In this article, we will take a look at integrative psychotherapy from several angles and how it can work with medical cannabis to deliver premium healthcare solutions.
What is Integrative Psychotherapy?
Integrative psychotherapy is a treatment approach that involves the selection of techniques from diverse therapeutic orientations. The therapy relies on these orientations to solve client’s problems towards improving their mental and overall wellbeing.
There is no rigid structure an integrative psychotherapist must follow; the goal is simple – deliver health management with any proven, effective method.
Integrative psychotherapy adopts flexible approaches and can use any suitable method or rely on different schools of thought to deliver results. Therapists could choose any technique to include in programs for clients as long as these methods are proven effective.
Dozens of psychotherapies exist, but the most effective forms of integrative psychotherapy are:
An integrative psychotherapist can deploy PDT to help patients focus on motivations that can improve their behavior and help enhance body functions. Most PDT techniques rely on psychoanalysis for effective assessment and management of diverse issues patients may face.
The incorporation of medical cannabis into such treatments could see a marked increase in effective care and management options available through PDT.
This form of integrative psychotherapy advocates a learning method to keep patients affixed on the current moment. PMT provides the required environment a person needs to focus on the present and ignore past worries or apprehensions about the future.
Such a therapy can be quite effective if it harnesses the proven relaxing properties of different medical cannabis products efficiently.
Diverse forms of CBT seeks to help patients develop a positive thought process and change their tilt towards negative perceptions. A core claim of CBT is that negative thoughts can affect the psychological health of people immensely.
CBT can include the prescription of some medication; however, the therapy has relied on big pharma for such assistive aids. The advent of research into effective medical cannabis products and their use in different health care practices could benefit persons undergoing CBT.
HT adopts a process towards assisting people to achieve their potential and lead a happier life through diverse therapies. Integrating the relaxing potential of medical cannabis products into such therapy could improve expected outcomes in people eligible for such health service.
These forms of integrative psychotherapy can be useful alone or combined with others. A qualified integrative psychotherapist could draw from any of these methods to assist patients based on their needs [.].
Evidence from studies like Walkaden (2019) and Ragnhildstveitet. al;, (2023) demonstrated the efficacy of medical cannabis as a part of integrative psychotherapy. Integrative psychotherapy aims to provide robust medical management for people suffering from multiple challenges that affect their physical and mental wellbeing.
Adopting medical cannabis into this flexible therapy is backed by evidence to provide a healthy pathway for persons. It can also be a safe medical intervention method to recover from several harsh symptoms caused by diverse health issues.
Integrative psychotherapy must consider some valid factors before introducing medical cannabis as part of its therapy. According to Roberts (2018), therapists must be aware that cannabis-based products may not be suitable for everyone.
Research on cannabis in conventional medicine is quite new, even if ancient care practices have relied on its healing benefits for centuries. Qualified care practitioners must determine the concentration of main agents in cannabis oil, how to administer doses, medical history, associated therapies, and so on before adopting medical cannabis.
Psychotherapy infused with cannabinoid-based medication as a treatment have shown significant reduction in withdrawal symptoms of cannabis and pain management in adults[.]
Research on cannabinoids and its effects as a part of integrative psychotherapy are limited to case reports for now. You can see two recent prominent studies on the effect of medical cannabis products as a part of integrative psychotherapy below.
A recent study by Ragnhildstveitet. al;, (2023) sought to assess how cannabis-assisted psychotherapy can help patients with complex PTSDsymptoms. The case report administered varying doses (6 – 10mg) of a cannabis-based medication to the subject.
After the assessment, it was discovered that the patient exhibited similar reduction in symptoms when compared to other PTSD patients on anti-psychedelic medication. The case report observed improved emotional behavior after prolonged exposure to medical cannabis.
Cannabis-assisted therapy used in treatment of these symptoms provides a strong platform for integrative psychotherapy towards improved research to solve diverse health challenges that require alternative care.
Integrative psychotherapy merged with medical cannabis was adopted in a study by Walkaden (2019). The study aimed to assess how cannabis-assisted psychotherapy can help an 88-year-old subject regain her quality of life.
An integrative psychotherapy plan sought to adopt a treatment of benzodiazepines; however, the medication was discontinued after some undesired symptoms. In light of this, a 2ml dose of medical cannabis oil was introduced into her regular counselling, daily exercises, medication, and therapy sessions.
After a 2-week period, the patient reported a reduction in the severity of her initial symptoms. Over the course of 4 weeks, the patient reported significant positive changes to her quality of life.
During the study, this patient could not take cannabis oil for 4 weeks and experienced a decline in observed results until
It has become evident through the Walkaden study that medical cannabis products could be effective in integrative psychotherapy where conventional medicine fails to deliver care without harsh symptoms.
Research has proven the efficacy of medical cannabis in solving diverse health problems. Formal evidence available about the effectiveness of cannabinoids can be an asset to integrative psychotherapy. In light of this evidence on medical cannabis and its potential in integrative therapy, the following people can help people dealing with:
Apart from people with such challenges outlined above, integrative psychotherapy with medical cannabis can be beneficial to people with co-occurring diagnoses. People dealing with multiple health issues that can get relief from medical cannabis could benefit from its inclusion in integrative psychotherapy[.][.].
Integrative psychotherapy can offer many solutions unavailable from other procedures; however, it should be conducted only after considering the medical history of interested persons. Medical cannabis should not be a part of any integrative psychotherapy treatment for the following persons:
Integrating medical cannabis with psychotherapy is also not advisable for people known to abuse prescription medication. Such persons must be under strict monitoring if they must partake in any integrative psychotherapy program with medical cannabis.
Integrative psychotherapy can offer many solutions unavailable from other procedures; however, it should be conducted only after considering the medical history of interested persons. Medical cannabis should not be a part of any integrative psychotherapy treatment for the following persons:
Integrating medical cannabis with psychotherapy is also not advisable for people known to abuse prescription medication. Such persons must be under strict monitoring if they must partake in any integrative psychotherapy program with medical cannabis.
You can consult Cannabryl for a curated outreach to make sure you get effective help against diverse health care issues. Linking up with these experts can make the difference you seek to get efficient treatments to solve many challenges that require integrative therapy and other approaches.