Cancer and Cannabryl
Cancer research continues to seek new ways to ease symptoms while providing quality care to patients. Several surveys have been conducted to assess the impact of cannabis-based products on available cancer remedies. Some studies have revealed positive results that show patients reporting relief from different cancer-related symptoms.
In India, care for cancer patients now has several diverse solutions that draw from modern medical advancements and ancient therapies. One of the most common ingredients of most mixed therapies is medical cannabis. Patients can now rely on improved medication based on cannabis extracts to provide better management of cancer symptoms.
In this article, we will look at cancer in India and how Cannabryl can help provide significant improvements in pain management, palliative care, and improvement in quality of life.
Cancer in India
Cancer is a common health concern in India as it affects the quality of life among patients across levels of severity. Strong pain episodes and lack of appetite are some major symptoms of cancer experienced by patients in India, along with poor sleep and nausea.
Presently, few cannabinoid drugs are in circulation that can help offer relief against cancer symptoms. These drugs (Dronabinol and Nabilone) are made primarily to act as a cannabinoid for treating vomiting and nausea in patients.
Dosage issues and other challenges associated with regular medication for cancer encourages these patients to seek alternative therapies. That is why Cannabryl now offers patients in India an effective alternative to manage the symptoms of cancer during treatment and recovery. Cannabryl also delivers potent alternatives patients need to improve their quality of life significantly.
How Cannabryl Products Improve Quality of Life
Provision of assistive care solutions
Cannabryl provides cancer patients with diverse products and effective therapies to help cancer patients improve their quality of life. The brand produces effective products with a potent composition to help patients manage diverse symptoms of cancer and other health issues with ease.
A recent study by Anderson et. al. (2019) revealed the efficacy of cannabis-based products among cancer patients. In the study, cancer patients reported several symptoms like loss of appetite, disturbed sleep patterns, pain, and fatigue.
Results after administration of medical cannabis to patients in the study showed that over 89% reported easing of several symptoms between 27% and 50%. Many of these patients reported after using medical cannabis products that they experienced decrease in pain, weaker nausea, and improved sleep patterns.
A huge percentage of cancer patients also reported better moods and appetite after the use of cannabis-related products.
Easing symptoms of cancer and other health issues
Symptoms of cancer could be difficult to manage across patients, since the condition could be at varying levels among people eligible to use cannabis-based products. Patients with advanced to severe symptoms may get moderate to mild relief from medical cannabis that can drastically boost their quality of life, as reported in Anderson et. al., (2019).
Cannabryl products can provide sustained relief against the symptoms of cancer and other health problems. A combination of proven ancient methods coupled with advances in medical cannabis production helps deliver effective solutions to these health issues.
Providing stress relief
Cannabis-based products from Cannabryl act on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) which is responsible for the regulation of our bodies. Medical cannabis products from this company helps regulate the stress reaction in the ECS, thereby aiding better reactions in patients.
Patients under supervised use of medical cannabis products can expect a marked reduction in their overall stress levels after sustained use. Proper use of cannabis-based products from Cannabryl can help deliver improved quality of life through its action on the ECS, helping cancer patients in India gain better health during recovery.
Delivering improved care methods
Cannabis-based medicine can provide improved care solutions that can help ease issues across multiple parts of the body simultaneously. Potent medical cannabis products from Cannabryl can help deliver the following to cancer patients to improve their quality of life:
Soothing of joints – analgesic effect of cannabis can help reduce joint pain experienced by some cancer patients. It can also help ease muscle cramps and inflammation in such patients.
Avoidance of dependency on opioids – opioids were once the most common pain relief medication for cancer patients, but it came with many undesired symptoms. Cannabis-based products helps delivers reduction in chronic pain without the attendant side effects of common opioids.
Aiding targeted clinical trials
Cannabryl continues to improve available medical cannabis products to help patients deal with cancer and its symptoms. It could be challenging to access information about the efficacy of medical cannabis products without advances from companies like Cannabryl. The provision of effective cannabis-based medicines for cancer provides material for study and reports from use by patients.
Further research on these products and its effects on patients’ symptoms can help deliver improved solutions to target specific issues caused by cancer. Medical cannabis on cancer is an ongoing endeavour and Cannabryl provides everything required to keep improving patients’ quality of life.

Final Word
Cannabryl supports scientific research to develop effective products that help improve the quality of life for palliative and pain management in cancer patients. The company recognizes a need for effective, better healthcare to overcome several cancer symptoms.
During treatment, medical cannabis products can help ease pain management for patients and improve their overall response to treatment. It is still a controlled substance in many climes; however, Cannabryl continues to exhibit the efficacy of cannabis-based products as a long-neglected palliative care option.
At Cannabryl, we believe that medical decisions to manage pain and other symptoms of cancer should be between a patient and physician. It remains our mission to provide effective solutions based on cannabis for proper handling of cancer symptoms.