Ayurvedic Abhyangam : CBD infusions Posted by Admin, Posted on 05 December 2023

What is Abhyanga Therapy?

Abhyanga therapy is the massage of the body using warm oil. It is one of the oldest types of massage, and one of the most popular massages in Ayurveda.

It is said that the term “abhyanga” is derived from the Sanskrit words “abhi”, which means “different”, and “anga”, which translates to “movement”.

This type of massage originated from India, but is now very popular and performed in Western countries as well as many other countries worldwide.

Abhyanga massage is typically done by yourself, although of course you can have someone, like a licensed therapist or ayurvedic practitioner, massage you.

Abhyanga massage does not have a very strict or dogmatic technique, although it is essential that warm oil is to be used. Typically, this type of therapy also covers the entire body.

Here is everything that you need to know about abhyanga therapy and how this type of massage can benefit you for an improved physical and mental well-being.


What are the Benefits of Abhyanga Therapy?

Abhyanga therapy provides several health benefits, both physically and mentally. Here are just some of the many advantages that you can get if you practice abhyanga therapy on a regular basis.


Better Blood Circulation and Lowers Blood Pressure

Abhyanga therapy helps improve blood circulation by opening up and relaxes the blood vessels. This results in improved blood pressure as well.


Those who suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure can benefit well from regular massages. It can also help them relax further improving any cardiovascular conditions.

Improved Sleep

Abhyanga massage is extremely relaxing, and it also reduces stress within the body. Research has shown that a 1-hour abhyanga massage can reduce stress levels and reduce your heart rate.

The warm feeling of the oils and relaxing ambience during the massage can help put you to sleep far more easily than trying to sleep without abhyanga or any type of massage.

Promotes Skin and Hair Health

The oils used during abhyanga massage can help improve the condition of your skin, hair, and even your nails. This will also depend on the type of oils that you use.

Oils can seep into the skin and hair, making it more moisturized, more supple, more flexible, and less prone to itchiness or drying.

Reduces Muscle and Joint Pain

As abhyanga helps improve blood circulation, painful, swollen, or damaged muscles and joints can also benefit as better blood flow will improve recovery in these areas of the body.

Regular abhyanga massages can also help improve mobility and flexibility, even for non-damaged muscles.

You can also opt to use something like CannabrylHemp Healing Balm after your post-massage shower to speed up healing and recovery.

Increases Energy Levels

Abhyanga therapy has been proven effective to boost energy levels as it helps promote lymphatic drainage. This helps remove waste from the body, and one of the benefits of this is higher energy levels.

You can definitely feel an increase in energy levels immediately after your massage and even more after a good night’s sleep.


Relaxes the Mind

Abhyanga massage, especially one that is self-done, can be a form of meditation. It provides you with the opportunity to relax your mind and let all troubles slip away.

Abhyanga massage can help balance your dosha, which is the energies that are found in your body. A balanced dosha will result in improved clarity of mind and better mental and emotional constitution.

What are the Oils That Can Be Used for Abhyanga Therapy?


Different types of oil can be used when performing Abhyanga massage either on yourself or someone else. However, strictly speaking you would have to determine first your dosha to find the right type of oil for you.

Your dosha, or constitution, is simply put defined as the balance of energies within your body. Identifying your dosha is done by an ayurvedic practitioner, or you can also take an online quiz if you cannot find one.

Depending on your dosha imbalances, you may use any of the following:

  • For vatta dosha, use sesame oil
  • For pitta dosha, use coconut oil
  • For kapha dosha, use mustard oil

Of course, these are not set in stone as you can use any type of oil that you want for as long as they have a warming, soothing, calming effect.

As such, you can use a blend of different herbal oils and even CBD oil like Cannabryl CBD Oil in order to produce your favorite oil concoction.

Tips for a Proper Abhyanga Therapy


Here are some tips for a successful abhyanga massage session:

  1. Put about half a cup of your blended oils into a squeeze bottle and submerge in hot water until it is at a warm but not hot temperature.
  2. Wear minimal clothing and, if possible, simply cover yourself up with a towel.
  3. Surround yourself with towels to catch oil spills.
  4. Dim the lights, turn on some relaxing music, and light some scented candles for a more relaxing effect.
  5. Make sure to take time to massage each individual body part.
  6. Use stroking motions for muscles and circular motions for joints and areas over vital organs.
  7. Massage everything from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.
  8. Wipe off any excess oil after five minutes.
  9. Be careful when walking to avoid slipping. You may use a towel to step on.
  10. Take a shower 15 minutes after the massage. Use lukewarm water and, if possible, do not use soap and simply rinse off any excess oil remaining



Abhyanga massage is a traditional type of massage that has been proven to have astounding benefits to the body and mind.

When done correctly and regularly, it can be a good way to help improve and maintain health.

When used with Cannabryl CBD oils and other calming oils, abhyanga massage can be something that you can look forward to during the weekends or after a long stressful day.






Image by jcomp on Freepik


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